picprog - EEPROM Programmer of PIC16F8X microcontroller
picprog [options]programfile[datafile]...
Picprog is a programmer of Microchip PIC16F8X. It works on parallel port programmer. Akizuki PIC Platinum kit is also supported.
PIC microcontroller has 3 different kind of memory: program EEPROM, configuration bit, data memory. Contents of the program memory and configuration bits are provided by program file, and the data memory is provided by data file . Configuration bits may be specified by the command line option, but those of program file is used when both are specified.
program file and data file must be HEX8M format. program file must be a little endian. data file doesn't have endianness because it is 8bit wide. Picprog handles output of picasm collectly.
Program sequence is begun when the command is invoked. The programmer hardware must be ready and the tar- get PIC must be connected until the command is invoked.
These programs follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below.
-h, --help -v, --version -p, --port port -d, --dataonly |
Show summary of options. Show version of program. Specify parallel port number. (0-2) Causes the command to handle data EEPROM only. The file specified in the command line is treated as a datafile instead of progfile. |
-c, --config flag,.. |
Specifies the configuration bits of PIC microcontroller. flag is a comma-separated list of fol- lowing options: |